Its Beekeeping Seminar Time!

Over the next few months, I'll be traveling to several states giving lectures on honey bee ecology and beekeeping as well as promoting my new book.  It's always enjoyable to attend and lecture at these events - I get to meet some fabulous people and discuss how bees are kept in different parts of the country.  Here is my schedule and the links for these events:

March 7-8, 2014:  Arkansas State Beekeepers Spring Meeting 

March 10, 2014:  Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association Monthly Meeting

March 21-22, 2014:  Massachusetts Beekeepers Association Spring Meeting

June 7-8, 2014:  Penn State University Queen Rearing Workshop

June 13-14, 2014:  Virginia State Beekeepers Association Spring Conference

In you haven't purchased a copy of my new book "Swarm Essentials: Ecology, Management, Sustainability" - you can do so here.