Meadow Sweet Apiaries



Pittsburgh, PA

Master Beekeeper, author and nationally recognized lecturer Stephen Repasky is the owner and operator of Meadow Sweet Apiaries.  We raise local survivor stock queens as well as queens with VSH genetics from Harbo Queens, New World Carniolan and the Purdue Leg Chewer genetics.  Nucs are available for order beginning in January through March.

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it is here that we do what we can for the honey bee.  Honey bees play an important role in our environment. They are responsible for pollinating 80% of our crops - thats 1/3 of all the food that we eat!!  Please do your part and support your local beekeeper by buying fresh local honey and refraining from exterminating honey bees that may be located in the walls of your home or a swarm that has landed in your yard.  We can help solve those issues for you in a safe responsible way while still protecting your home, your property AND the honey bees!!

Stephen Repasky - EAS Master Beekeeper, Author and Consultant


We offer several different products from the honey bee colonies that we manage in the Pittsburgh area.  Honey, lotions and lip balm are just a few and we are always working on developing more!  Please visit our products page for more information.


If you have a swarm of honeybees that landed on a shrub or bush or some other location, please contact us immediately! If you have an established colony inside of your wall and you would rather have them saved and relocated than extermintated, I can help!  See my services page for more info.


Interested in becoming a beekeeper?  Its our busy time - stay tuned for upcoming classes and workshops or check out our Speaking Engagements where you can hear Master Beekeeper Stephen Repasky lecture and teach about honey bees.



 Our Operation


Meadow Sweet Apiaries is a small beekeeping operation located in western Pennsylvania. Our 200+ hives are placed in ideal locations for foraging in order to keep our bees healthy and happy. Our bees can be found in several bee yards on the eastern side of Pittsburgh and in many locations from the Pittsburgh International Airport up along the I-79 corridor to Lake Wilhelm in Mercer County, PA.

Through this placement of honey bees in several areas, we are able to produce a variety of honeys with different flavor profiles. The Black Locust, clovers, wild flowers, wing stem, goldenrod, boneset and knotweed are just a few of the major nectar sources our bees gather nectar from to produce Meadow Sweet Apiaries Bee Sweet Honey and the pollen which we sell raw and frozen.

We are also honored to be the only beekeeper on Pittsburgh International Airport property. This is unique and beneficial in a couple of ways. First and foremost, Pittsburgh International is very bee friendly as they do not use pesticides harmful to bees on the property. Having honey bee colonies on site also puts Pittsburgh international on the map as one of only a handful of airports around the United States that have an apiary program and one of the top three with the biggest program.

It is here, on these nearly 9,000 acres, where we raise our queens as part of the Pennsylvania Queen Bee Improvement Project. This project focuses on creating a regionally adapted queen that will head colonies all over the region with the hopes of increasing survival and production.

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Stephen Repasky

EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, Author and Consultant

A second-generation beekeeper, Stephen Repasky is a nationally recognized speaker, author and consultant from Pittsburgh, PA.  He is a certified Master Beekeeper through the Eastern Apicultural Society and is the past-President of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association, past president and co-founder of Burgh Bees, and a former member of the Board of Directors for the American Beekeeping Federation.  He is also an active member of the PA Queen Bee Improvement Project and is a member of the Penn State Center for Pollinator Research Advisory Board and the Pennsylvania State Apiary Advisory Board.  Stephen manages approximately 200 colonies (mostly as single brood chambers) in western Pennsylvania and is involved in honey production, queen rearing and the selling of nucleus hives each spring and summer to those interested in starting or expanding their own beekeeping adventure!

He also manages the apiary program at Pittsburgh International Airport where there are nearly 100 colonies used in honey production, research studies and queen production. Pittsburgh International is home to the largest apiary program in the country located entirely on airport property.

Stephen had his first book published by Wicwas Press in 2014 entitled " Swarm Essentials" and can be found teaching beekeeping classes and workshops in the Pittsburgh area and presenting lectures on a variety of beekeeping topics at local clubs and many regional and national conferences around the United States.


As Stephen became more involved with honey bees in the Pittsburgh area and beyond, the number of colonies also grew and the need for a formal name arose.  Meadow Sweet Apiaries was established as the popularity of his bees, honey, removal services and educational services grew. 

Stephen has been involved with bees since the age of four when he would help his father tend to the honey bee colonies on their small farm in western Pennsylvania.  After a brief hiatus and graduating from The Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Stephen began keeping bees again, this time on his own.  His first year was a rough start.  New pests such as the varroa mite were present now that were not present in his childhood years.  The first few colonies were swarms that he caught in July- unfortunately those bees did not survive the winter.  The next year, with an earlier start and several more swarms, Stephen's beekeeping career took off.  Those few colonies have since turned into over 200 colonies of honey producing hives, a queen rearing operation and the selling of nucleus hives each summer to those interested in starting or expanding their own beekeeping operation. 

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2025 Nucleus Colonies (or nucs) are great for getting a fast start.  They are made up of 5 DEEP frames with a mated laying queen, brood of all ages as well as frames with honey and pollen.  Frames are less than two years old and in good shape.  5 frame nucs are comprised of at least 2-3 frames of brood plus a frame of honey, a frame of pollen and a frame that may be full or partially drawn to allow for growth - all on DEEP frames.  These nucs will grow fast.  Nucs are anticipated to be available April 12, 2025 - see order form for more information.

Credit Card Orders - $194 - Online orders can be submitted HERE

Cash/Check - $185 - Order Form Available for Download by clicking HERE

2025 LOCAL QUEENS - Not Available

2025 Queens -Our locally mated queens are raised from proven stock.  They are Carniolan based and open mated with local drones.  This year, we will have daughter queens raised from breeder queens with lineage of Purdue Mite Biters, New World Carniolan, VSH queens and local survivor stock.  Color will vary as we select for survivorship, productivity and mite resistance.  Prices include marking if desired.  Shipping is NOT available.

It is usually best to plan ahead if you can when ordering queens so that you know that we will have them available, although there will be times where accidents happen and you need a queen NOW!  Meadow Sweet Apiaries can help you with any of those circumstances!  Mated queens will be available starting mid-May. Contact us for availability.  Prices are $35 for mated queens. 

Swarm Essentials Book

Swarm Essentials Book - 128 pages.  Swarming is one of the most powerful instincts that most successful beekeepers encounter. Swarm Essentials outlines the ramifications of swarming behavior (highlighting the often overlooked benefits), proven prevention and management techniques, and how to recover and even prosper from a successful swarm attempt. Second generation beekeeper Stephen J. Repasky's inaugural publication marks the latest addition to the Essentials series and is an excellent read for any beekeeper who hopes to make it past their first year.  Price $25.00 includes shipping and handling.  ORDER HERE!

Products of the Hive

Local Honey  Our local honey is most easily placed into three categories.  Spring Summer and Fall.  The color and flavor varies from a light bodied, sweet, delicate and lightly colored spring honey from the flowers of maples, dandelions, black locust and basswood.  The amber colored more fuller bodied summer honey comes from our clovers, sumacs, blackberries and numerous wildflowers.  The season ends with a rich, dark, full bodied fall honey made from the flowers of knotweed, boneset, goldenrod and asters.  We sell all of our products at the Sewickley Farmers Market, in the parking lot of the St. James Church right off of Walnut St and Rt. 65. We are there every Saturday from 9am until 1pm from April though November and also at the Sewickley Winter Market the 3rd Saturday of December, January, February and March from 930-Noon. HONEY NOW AVAILABLE!

Propolis Tincture - Our propolis tincture is an extract of 40% propolis and 60% grain alcohol.  Propolis is a product that bees collect from various trees and is used to seal gaps in the hive and more importantly keep the hive healthy.  Propolis has been shown to to have anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.  Some like to use it to help in taking care of sore throats, boosting immune systems, and various other ailments.  Caution should be taken when first using pure propolis products as a small percentage of people may have a reaction to it.  Price:  $15.00 US  Product currently SOLD OUT.

Let your lips bee kissed with our all natural lip balms made with local honey and wax1

Tube Lip Balm   - This lip balm has been noted to have the smoothness to keep your lips healthy and soft and have the smell and delightful taste of the popular after dinner mints!  Great for putting in your purse or pocket and made from all natural ingredients and local wax and honey.  Keep your lips looking great - bee kissed everyday with Meadow Sweet Bees lip balms!  Price: $3.00 for a .15 oz classic tube.  Out of Stock

Soothing Lip Balm -  The Soothing Lip Balm is similar to the tube lip balm but has some different natural ingredients to assist in quicker soothing for chapped and cracked lips.  Our soothing lip balms contain jojoba oils to keep your lips soft and a small amount of propolis to help your lips recover quickly.  Price OUT OF STOCK  

Creamed Honey - Creamed or spun honey is a fabulous form of honey that is fantastic for spreading on toast, peanut butter and honey sandwhiches or just having a non drippy form of honey for your tea!  Creamed honey is honey that has been crystallized by controlling the time and temperature at which the honey crystallizes producing small, smooth crystals that are very palatable.  Price:  $9.00 per 12 oz jar.  Product currently OUT OF STOCK

Let your hands bee soft and lovely with our bee touched moisturizing lotion.

Moisturizing Lotion Bar - This light and lovely lotion will keep the dry areas of your skin soft and moisturized.  Made with natural ingredients and local honey, this can be used year round.  Bee Touched with this lotion!  Out of Stock.

Raw Natural Bee Pollen - Pollen is collected by honey bees from various flowers as a nutritional protein source for the bees. Pollen is collected by the beekeeper using special pollen traps which remove only a portion of the pollen from the bees legs as they enter the hive. Raw, natural bee pollen is considered a super food and best collected fresh and frozen to preserve its freshness and nutritional qualities. Price: Out of Stock

Cut Comb Honey - This is honey still in the comb straight out of the hive!  Cut comb is produced by allowing the honey bees to build fresh delicate wax and fill it with a nice light spring honey.  This product is often in very limited supply.  It can be eaten just as is or prepared as a nice little dessert.  OUT OF STOCK.

2 oz honey bears make great gifts!

Honey Bears - These 2 oz honey bears make great stocking stuffers, shower gifts or wedding favors.  They are also great for quick trips or travel on airplanes  (TSA approved!).  They are filled with the honey available at that particular time of the year when ordered.  Price: $2.00-$2.50 per bear.  Out of Stock

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Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meetings

We meet monthly on the next to last Thursday of each month at the Fern Hollow Nature Center in Sewickley, PA about 20 minutes north of Pittsburgh. Meeting begin with a visit to the hives (weather permitting) followed beginner Q&A for those newer to beekeeping with a break then an hour + session on topics related to current beekeeping practices, what’s happening in the hives at the moment and what you should be doing in the month ahead. ALL ARE WELCOME!

TIME: Meetings run from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm

LOCATION: Fern Hollow Nature Center, 1901 Glen Mitchel Rd, Sewickley, PA 15143.

DATE: Next to last Tuesday every month! (unless otherwise indicated)

February 22, 2024

March 21, 2024

March 26, 2024 - Special Guest DR. LARRY CONNOR

April 25, 2024

May 23, 2024 August 22, 2024

June 20, 2024 September 19, 2024

July 18, 2024 October 24, 2024


Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Classes

Beekeeping Classes

Beekeeping 101 Class -

Advanced Beekeeping Workshops -


2020 Queen Grafting Workshop


This is a first come first serve registration - only 25 registrations taken. We will mark when the class is full!







This workshop will teach beekeepers:

Queen Field Day



Recommended Resources

Recommended Books

  • The Hive and the Honey Bee

  • Bee-sentials

  • Increase Essentials

  • Bee Sex Essentials

  • Queen Rearing Essentials

  • Swarm Essentials

  • What Do You Know?

  • The Bees in Your Backyard

  • Honeybee Veterinary Medicine

  • Attracting Native Pollinators

  • Garden Plants for Honey Bees

  • Pollinators of Native Plants

  • Native Plants for Honeybees

Recommended Magazines/Journals

  • American Bee Journal

  • Bee Culture

  • BeeKeeping (available only at newsstands, books stores and Tractor Supply)

  • Bee Craft (Beekeeping magazine from the U.K)

Recommended Websites



Bee Clubs and Organizations

  • Eastern Apicultural Society

  • American Beekeeping Federation

  • PA State Beekeepers Association

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Documentaries, Radio Shows and Articles



Documentary on Urban Beekeeping in Pittsburgh

Radio interview on the world's first radio station KDKA 1020 AM

Master Beekeeper Stephen Repasky is interviewed by KDKA Radio Host Rob Pratte about honey bees and beekeeping in Pittsburgh, PA - 3 segments

Master Beekeeper Stephen Repasky is interviewed by KDKA NewsRadio Host Rob Pratte

Article from the American Bee Journal

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Swarm Removal

Swarm Removal - Honey bee swarms are natures way of reproducing in a large scale.  Swarms are extremely docile and often seem to appear in minutes!  DO NOT SPRAY THEM!!!!  They may stay in one location temporarily for a few hours up to a few days.  Please do not confuse them with a hornets nest!!  Swarms are common in western Pennsylvania beginning May 1 - July 1.  Although this is when they are at their peak, they can sometimes be found  outside of these dates.  Swarm Removal is done in a manner so as not to harm the honey bees and relocating them to one of our outyards to start a new colony.  There is generally no charge for a swarm removal, however a donation to cover time and travel is always GREATLY appreciated!!  Please call us immediately if you see a swarm in your yard!

This IS a honey bees swarm - notice the absence of a covering! A honey bee swarm is temporary and can stay in one spot for a few hours to several days.

This IS a honey bees swarm - notice the absence of a covering! A honey bee swarm is temporary and can stay in one spot for a few hours to several days.

This is NOT a honey bee swarm - this is a hornets nest. Honey bees do NOT build a nest in the open.

This is NOT a honey bee swarm - this is a hornets nest. Honey bees do NOT build a nest in the open.


Colony Removal and Relocation

Colony Removals from Structures and Trees - these are situations that require a site visit in order to accurately assess the situation.  Removals are quite time consuming and require someone with knowledge of honeybee biology, habits and construction of houses.  It is advised that homeowners NOT eliminate honey bee colonies that are established within their walls due to a number of reasons.  A honey bee colony maintains the temperature of the comb and also defends it from pests.  Should you eliminate the honey bees, the comb is now unprotected from heat and pests and can result in honey dripping into your walls and ceilings creating staining  in these areas.  An unprotected comb also can be prone to infestation by a number of pests such as ants, cockroaches, moths, mice and many more.  Please contact us to discuss details and set up an appointment to look at your colony.

Here is a colony of honeybees that made their home in the ceiling of a house and a colony in a tree that was being removed.  These honeybees are able to be safely removed without elimination!



Every now and then, whether you are a new or veteran beekeeper alike, you run into a situation that you may not understand or cant quite figure out what you are looking at.  Our consultation services will allow some one on one time with an experienced Master Beekeeper.  See below for more information and pricing.

Phone calls - Need a quick reassurance that you are doing the right thing?  Have a few questions that can be answered over the phone?  Stephen is available for a 10 minute phone call at no cost to help you along the way.

Site Visits - a phone call doesn't do it?  Stephen can come out to your hives for a visit and assessment and help you with some one on one beekeeping.  Fees begin at $75 an hour.  He can assist you with capturing a swarm, making a split, requeening, identifying diseases and pests or just plain basic beekeeping instruction.

Pest/Disease Sampling - Do you have trouble sampling for mites?  Or do you want to see if your hive has nosema and at what levels?  Testing and sampling is available for your bees.  Quick and accurate results is a short amount of time.  Contact us for details and pricing.

Visits can be arranged by calling Stephen directly or sending him an email here. 

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Master Beekeeper and Author Stephen Repasky can be seen presenting at the following events:

Sewickley Farmers Market

  • Parking lot of St. James Church in Sewickley, PA

  • Buy honey and hive products and come see the bees!!

  • LAST Saturday at every month - April through October

  • Check here for info!

March 2, 2020

  • Webinar for the Santa Clara Valley, CA Beekeepers Guild

march 7, 2020

  • Tri County Beekeepers Association of Western Pennsylvania

march 12, 2020

  • Sewickley Garden Club

March 15, 2020

  • Portage County, OH Beekeepers Meeting - 2pm

March 25, 2020

  • Tri-county Beekeepers Association of Ohio (Wooster)

April 26, 2020

  • Fill in for Organic Gardener Doug Oster on News Radio 1020 KDKA 6am-7am

May 4, 2020

Fill in for Organic Gardener Doug Oster on News Radio 1020 KDKA 6am-7amAugust 2-August 7, 2020

August 2-7, 2020

  • Eastern Apicultural Society Conference

  • Orono, ME

  • Teaching portions of the Short Course

Interested in Having a Master beekeeper speak at your event or teach a workshop? See Below!

If you would like to have Master Beekeeper and author Stephen Repasky come to your conference, meeting or beekeeping club to lecture on a beekeeping topic, Please send Stephen an email via the contact page with details of what type of program you are interested in.   

Fees:  All travel costs (airfare, car rentals, lodging, mileage [if applicable] ) plus  speaking fee.

Topics can include any of the following and more:

  • Are You Bee-curious? an Intro to Beekeeping

  • Colony Seasonal Management

  • Educational events about honey bees

  • Keeping Honey Bees

  • Making Increase Colonies

  • Queen Rearing Production

  • Honey Bee Health and Keeping Bees Alive

  • Disease and Pest Management

  • Urban Beekeeping

  • Swarms

  • Swarm Biology and Ecology

  • Swarm Management

  • Using Oxalic Acid to Control Mites

  • Many other topics as well!

For immediate assistance with a swarm of honeybees:

Please contact Stephen directly at Tele: 412.765.0335

For all all other issues pertaining to wasps, hornets, yellow jackets etc (as seen below), contact Bee control at: 412-765-0335  

We are located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. U.S.

For all other inquiries, please use form below.  Thank you!

Nectar Flows!

Here you can follow 4 of our colonies throughout the year via hive scales that monitor the weights and productivity of each colony. You can see average daily temperatures as well as weight gains and losses of each colony from the last 24 hours to the past 90 days!

Hive 1

Hive 2

hive 3

Hive 4


PLants for Pollinators -COMING SOON!!