Eastern Apicultural Society - The oldest and largest beekeeping organization dedicated to beekeepers.  They have an annual conference every year somewhere on the east coast.  In August of 2013 it will be in West Chester, PA.

Steffeswood Apiaries - Robert and Jennie are very good friends of mine who run a small apiary in the heart of Aliquippa. Jennie has some FABULOUS recipes on their blog.  Check them out!

Wicwas.com - My good friend Dr. Larry Connor is an author and publisher of many great beekeeping books ranging from the history of eekeeping, beginning beekeeping, queen rearing, mead making and many more!!

Burgh Bees - "Urban Beekeeping at its best!"  Pittsburgh's Urban Beekeeping organization.  They are offer beginner and advanced beekeeping classes.

Steve Ellington - Steve and I met when a swarm of honey bees wanted to make his home their home.  Out of that encounter, Steve Ellington filmed and produced a documentary on me as an Urban Beekeeper.  The short film is scheduled for release in summer of 2013

Brushy Mountain Bee Farm- A good place for ordering all sorts off beekeeping equipment

Mann Lake Ltd - Another favorite for ordering beekeeping supplies.

Betterbee - another place for ordering bee equipment

Beaver Valley Beekeeping Association - our friends to the west. 

Maxant Industries - This is THE place to get solid american made honey extractors, capping spinners and all kinds of other equipment for your honey house!